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Generally, a straight homophobic man who enjoys having his salad tossed by women (the toss-er). His uncomfortable and overreaction to suggestive gay jokes and affiliations that could lead anybody to believe he’s gay coupled with his active participation in gray area bedroom acts earns him the title of Tossee.

That guy would flip when his ex girlfriend would joke around about him needing a man purse to carry all his stuff. But she told us he liked to have his ass eaten; he’s a total Tossee.

by Anna Maniac November 8, 2018


Thr recipient of a hand job.

My gal gave me a great hand job the other day. I was a very lucky tossee.

by Johann von Wilhelm. November 2, 2014

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

salad tossee

Person on recieving end of a rim job.

Opposite of salad tosser

by Rare_Herbz February 5, 2004

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž