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toys in japan

A weird YouTube channel that should not exist. For starters the channel has nothing to do with toys. But they also make really bad videos about nusery rhymes. I'll name a few "five little hitlers jumping on the bed, daddy finger hulk, and five little minions jumping on a bed". The animation makes a the drawings you made in pre-k look like something made by Pablo Picasso. It's so atrocious its as I you took a idiot, then told him to animate while he's high, this is what you would have. Plus there's this weird guy singing it,and it sounds like he's playing with his ding dong, while raping a puppy, and snorting crack. Honestly this channel does not deserve this definition. It's so terrible if you showed it to 5year old they'd throw themselves off the emire state building.

Search up toys in Japan , and you'll see what I mean.........

by mr mr jellyman January 19, 2018