Looking for signs that a person may be transgender.
A Wendy Williams transvestigation is nothing new.
52👍 8👎
An activity generally partaken of by incels, shut ins and pervy old hermits within the conspiracy theorist circle. They will spend hours looking at pictures of celebrities trying to find the most insignificant details in an attempt to prove that they are secretly a trans person. They subscribe to the theory that Hollywood is trying to brainwash the populace with secret Trans people and that everybody they don't like are secretly trans(?). Participation in this activity usually indicates dumbassedness
John thinks that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a secret trans man. He's up on some of that transvestigation bullshit again.
48👍 19👎
When you think someone is being deceitful about their portrayed gender and you get down on forensics like CSI and transvestigate.
Everyone thinks Logan is superfine but why do she got an Adam's apple? Better transvestigate Logan, that booty seem off too
24👍 30👎
Alleging someone is transgender by "investigating" their physical characteristics. Also transvestigate, transvestigator.
In a failed case of transvestigation, Keira Knightley’s six pack was cited as proof for her trans-ness.
18👍 13👎
Traces of transvestitism that remain after an "Emo" kid realizes how dumb they have been and try to return to a normal life.
Person: Are you going to be a transvestite or something?
Emo: No, I was Emo, but not anymore.
Person: You still have transvestiges.
Emo: I'm trying to change.
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