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tree spot

Tree Spot is a hella chill tree in Los Osos, CA. Many a young adventurer go there to smoke marijuana. There are 3 good spots to sit, and if you dont call one of the three before you get there, you either have to stand or sit in 5 and 6.
It is close to town and easy and convinient.
The 2nd best spot next to bay spot

"Lets go blaze at Tree Spot!"
"Dibs on #2 spot."
"Alright, I get #1."
"shit i dont want to have to stand again!"

Tree Spot is amazing.

by ftwyeeniggayeee August 19, 2008

6👍 1👎

tree spot

The happy happy smoke, marijuana, endo, trees.

"Dude, I need to score some tree spot."

by Chuck Whitby November 7, 2002

14👍 5👎