A man... And I mean A MAN that is Strong muscular. Usually short asf but he can attract the tall girls. Did I mention he has a big ass dick?
That nigga Treshawn can have my damn baby.
I would have Treshawn to turn my pussy inside out!
6👍 2👎
A very handsome male. He is charming, outgoing, intelligent, and clever. This guy knows how to keep a smile on a girls face no matter the situation. Everyone enjoys being around him. The ladies are attracted to him because of his personality and his looks are a plus. He isn't really into dating because he has a lot of girl friends.
Girl: I wish I had a boyfriend like Treshawn!
180👍 33👎
Treshawn is a handsome young man ,who pulls a lot of girl and will tyb all of us for our girls so watch out👀But treshawn is let and a good friend who u can tell anything
Treshawn is going to take my girm
10👍 9👎