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tripping lips

The female version of tripping balls. Only classy-ratchet (otherwise known as clatchet) bitches can trip lips.

"I was so messed up last night, I as totally tripping lips!"

by Goddessofsmoke August 30, 2014

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

trip on your lip

sticking one's lower lip out do to pouting, sulking, being in bad mood, being moody, being petulant, frowning, grouchy, grumpy, making a long face, making a moue, moping. Usually happens when one doesn't get their way.

You can't have everything your way. Don't trip on your lip.

by tippizee January 20, 2010

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

trip lip

an adjective used to describe someone that has strange lips, more specifically appearing to have 3 lips (hence tri-plip)

omg that girl has three lips! she’s trip lipped!

by buttery69 May 18, 2022

Lip trip

When a female places acid tabs in her vagina, getting high qui6

That girl is lip tripping mad hard..

by Chubbypeaches September 10, 2019