Pretty cool guy. he's known for being a perverted windows user that hangs with linux/BSD users. still a cool guy tho.
<Tripen> when u asked if i wanted you to take it off... you were referring to clothing, correct?
11👍 13👎
AKA: Trip
l33t d00d, he's from #netwhores, and is a netwhore himself, BEA WAIR HIZ LEET NET HOARISH WEYZ, OMFG!!!!111111ONEONEONEONE!11111EONEONE!!!
<uberuser> w0rd trip
-- Tripen was kicked from #netwhores by uberuser (w0rd)
Tripen is the shit
<Tripen> I'd watch.
5👍 13👎
tramie tripen is when u take or pop the pain killer tramadol and after a while depending on how u took the pill u start to trip out with like ,body chills ,cant sleep ,trippy dreams and iv noticed ur body really itches and alot of other things
dang bro poped some tramadol yesterday had me tramie tripen all day