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triple j

The Palm Beach County rapper, who did the South FL hit 'Welcome to Palm Beach'.

Triple J holds it down for the 561, Palm Beach County.

by 561-ace January 31, 2007

92๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

triple j

best radio station in the world
a huge variety of great music
funny and witty annoucers
great vibe

jjj = hot shit

by em March 19, 2004

122๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

triple j

The best radio station in Australia and the home of all breeds of preposterously good music. Triple j will rape your ear drums, give them a shuddering eargasm and leave them screaming for more. Triple j listeners are the pinnacle of awesome and often find themselves banding together in cult-like way at one of the tremendous live music events they promote. The hosts of triple j are also brilliant folks. Triple j telepathically updates and improves your already great taste in music. Triple j is the sex. If you think you hate it, listen to it for a week and, before you know it, you've slapped a triple j pride sticker on your car, you're buying like a versions and writing urban dictionary definitions to inform others of this infectious, revolutionary radio station that your life now circulates around.

Oh my god, is that an orgasm overflowing from your radio? Oh, wait, its triple j.

by harriet and martyn May 20, 2011

40๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple J

A popular (in the best sense of the word) radio station in Australia that only plays good songs - not fucking pop and cuntry m00sik), beats the shit outta those radio station in america - well i wouldn't know i guess, i don't live there (see example).

Triple J Rawks! NOFX only plays there songs on it, NOFX hates those crappy radio stations in the states..

by Preacha June 28, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple J

1. The act of tieing two limp noodle dicks into a tightly knit knot, have both men watch pornography to achieve a boner, or achieve a boner through any means possible, and have a man or a woman try to untangle the knot with his or her mouth.

2. John Jamieson

Billy: Yo man you gotta do a triple J its the illest shit eva

Joel: Word Yo? I tie my dicks up in a knot right now ya hurr?

by ilovehannahmontana April 8, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple J

Triple J (Otherwise known as "Triple the Gay"): The WORST Radio station in Australia. Popular with people who cant deal with being mainstream, scenesters, emo's, Ravers with glowsticks, Generation X'ers and the general dregs of society who have a severe case of "Unwarranted self-importance". This radio station will play every "underground" never before heard crap made by know-nothing, known-by-no-one backyard bands. What they call music would make some dogs howl in terror. The radio presenters themselves are the paramount of un-funny douchbaggery.

What I hear when forced to listen to "Triple J" by the people in the office who have control of the radio all day:

"Hey listeners! Scott "Drool" Dooley, and Robby "Dumbfuck" Buck coming at you with yet another unheard of accoustic nightmare, BLISS N ESO! get your rusty spoons ready to dig out those eardrums!"

by LiquidM4 May 19, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Triple J

A Triple J consist of a Hand job, blow job, and rim job all at once! YAY

Tommy gets Triple J's from Lee

by Ur dad March 10, 2003

23๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž