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trussed up

when you err real bad

This thanksgiving turkey has such a vulgar vinegar undertone its inedible! You really trussed up the recipe this time didn't ya!

by Bryce Bernard October 19, 2022

13👍 5👎

Truss something up

F*ck something up completely.

Named after Liz Truss

Truss something up, homework that's this easy? Come on, man. You can do better.

by Sexydimma October 22, 2022

truss something up

(Named after Liz Truss, shortest serving UK pm)

Euphemism for to f*ck something up so completely it's shameful.

Dude did you just Truss something up? Or am I dreaming?

by Sexydimma October 22, 2022

trussed up like a sailor's wife


"she is trussed up like a sailor's wife"

by jinglard January 23, 2020

1👍 3👎