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When someone pushes you to your limit to see if you will so something back

Man that nigga John just tried you like a lame

by TT March 30, 2005

314๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


equivalent to an american football touchdown, a try = 5 points during international games where a rugby player touches down the rugby ball in the opposition's end zone without a knockon dropping the ball forward, a try can be achieved by sliding through the grass and pass the tryline, kicked through to the endzone then touched down, mauled in similar to a ruck but a player carrying the ball is being driven forward, or a try can be achived simply by a player running through, around, under the opposition

1)I'm trying get a try but the more i try the less tries i get so i must try not to try to get a try

2)Forwards can't score a try even if they tried

3)The winger retired when the hooker scored more tries than him

by shitastic October 10, 2004

95๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


In Pidgin, it means please

Try Wait - Please Wait
Try come over here - Please come here

by usadoo September 30, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Try and

A grammatically incorrect form of 'try to'. While 'try and' is commonly used, it is incorrect, as it technically means: try an unspecified action, then do the other, specified action. One can either try something, do something or try to do something, but one cannot try and do something.

Unlike 'try to', 'try and' is seldom inflected; whilst one may (incorrectly) use 'try and' instead of 'try to', one would very rarely use 'trying and' or 'tried and' instead of 'trying to' and 'tried to', respectively.

It is important to remember that 'try' is synonymous with 'attempt'. The word 'attempt' means to make an effort to achieve something. It is very rare to here 'attempt and' as most people recognise 'attempt and' as incorrect, however, the same people often fail bear that in mind when using the word 'try'.

Person 1: Try and speak good English.
Person 2: It is 'try to', not 'try and'; one can try something or try to do something, but not both at the same time.

The phrase 'try and', is as annoying as 'could of'.

by Grammar Policeman August 1, 2018

34๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

try it on

To engage in sexual relations with someone. Usually, romance or commitment does not enter the equation.

Yeah, your girlfriend? It's her personal goal to try it on with everyone she knows. EVERYONE. Sorry, man.

by the.dreamer February 5, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of annoying someone or pushing their buttons.

"If this bitch don't stop trying me, I'm going to put hands on her!"

by mhilljackson June 13, 2018

27๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Not Trying

Eh.. I don't know.

I'm not trying to get bad grades. I swear..

by PapaFranku;) December 11, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž