Source Code


When a man is kicked in the testicles, resulting in blackouts, inability to walk, and a jelhon.

"That guy got twenty-twoed."

by Bubba Johnson July 23, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The second funniest number in existance. Can be used to answer almost any question. The number really just has a decent ring about it

joe:"man how much longer do we have to wait?"
tim: "about twenty-two minutes"
joe:"lol twenty-two"

by Joncyclark November 20, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twenty twos

22 inch wheels used to modify an automobile that typically is fitted with smaller wheels.

Man I just put twenty twos on my ride.
It is a bitchin ride now

by Breaking dancing on cardboard August 1, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Twenty two

The worst number ever. To Catch 22 is the impossibility to win

They gonna catch twenty two for fucking me over

by KingInnaEarth February 2, 2021

Twenty Two

A low caliber rifle, very little destructive power.

Brian shot me in the head with his .22 and I walked away

by Luciano December 15, 2003

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Twenty Two-Sticks

A way in which to say "2011". This is effective because "11" resembles two sticks.

Man 1: Happy Twenty Two-Sticks, bro.

Man 2: Sounds like a plan.

by madba January 2, 2011

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twenty-two and a half

an undeterminted amount of time. example: "I will be back in twenty-two and a half..." That means you will be back but it could be in 22 minutes or 22 days... the answer is unlimited. finally we have a word that means this... for god sake use it!

"i will be back in twenty-two and a half"

by Wind talker of the aborigines April 2, 2005

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