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Twids is 3 member organisation with Bea Lara and Kiran as member its short for Twickinham Kids. You have to be very high esteemed to join.

Hello fellow Twid

by Twid 3 April 20, 2020


A combination of the words Tween + kid, a twid is a child who is a bit more socially advanced and wants to participate in more tween/teen based activities.

Currently, there are a plethora of Virtual Worlds supposedly created for the tween (ages 9-13) age group; ala Club Penguin, Webkinz, Neopets, etc. But upon further inspection, it is clear to see why the 7, 8, 9 year old demographic have a larger majority. There is a large difference between the social abilities/patterns of an 8 year old and a 12 year old... hence the differentiation of tween and twid.

Plus. Buzz words are cool.

My sister is 7 and she tries to get into those Virtual Worlds for tweens, but she's totally not a tween. She's such a twid!

by IzadoraRex November 16, 2007

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TWID (an acronym)= The Way It's Done
Definition of TWID = the MOST effective, efficient and meticulous method of navigating ANY given task, maneuver or scenario of daily life in the utmost suave manner.

Keeping efficiency and effectiveness in regard, by default, a TWID by its very essence is the most EFFORTLESS way to reach the *most superior end result.*

Originator: ZC**
Origin: Philadelphia
1st documented use: 2013

**ZC has been widely credited to have helped nationally popularize the pre-existing Philadelphia term "Salty" on college campuses in 2004, beginning in Philadelphia's University City (UPenn, USP, Drexel Univ). Salty became routine lingo in his cliques, quickly spread to many campuses of PA & NJ, became familiar on NY campuses by 2006, and rapidly became mainstream thereafter since most students come from all over the country.

Sound familiar? Facebook spread similarly

Now thatttt's TWID (the way it's done)!
Check out this new TWID I developed.
(In disapproval: That was so not TWID...)

by wedemb0yz November 10, 2020


Multi talented work.. can mean different things depending on how you use it.

Man thats some twids up sh*t!

Twids that!

Man that was twids..

by Edward Austin January 29, 2003

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A tiny piece of hair on the head that keeps sticking up or out and no amount of hair spray, water, gel, or pomade can hold it down.

She must have just woken up, look at all the twids in her hair!

by Fattington Bear March 17, 2016

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TWID: Thats What I Do

BB:your so cute
SN:well, TWID

by pumpkin March 23, 2005

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Used to replace a swear word.

That is a load of utter twids!

by Alex Dunkerley January 29, 2003

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