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ugly kid

literally me.

“i’m a fucking ugly kid no wonder no one likes me

lmao same”

by bunnyfingers April 18, 2020

5👍 2👎

Ugly Kid Joe

1. Kick ass metal band in the early 90's, fronted by singer Whitfield Crane.
2. Clever insult.

1. Ugly Kid Joe is epic!
2. Look at that Ugly Kid Joe over there.

by Drums3 October 9, 2010

ugly kid joe

The band that hates everything about you.

and I...think sex is over-rated too.

by Gumba Gumba April 10, 2004

44👍 5👎

mad ugly kid shutup

When some headass boi tries to cook your shit but you come back with some heat

Wtf ya mad ugly kid shutup. You headass mofucker

by IH8Men69420 February 18, 2018

pumpkin ugly no kid

another way to say that someone is P.U.N.K.; you are able to point out a punk now as loud as you want, simply because few know that Pumpkin Ugly No Kid = Punk

Hey, look at that young rebel over there with a mohawk! He's so pumpkin ugly no kid!

by El_Scorcho September 23, 2004

16👍 6👎

ugly shorts kid

hot band boy that owns a pair of iconic ugly shorts that he purchased off of amazon.

ugly shorts kid looks super fine today.

by pineapplegorl1234 October 9, 2018

1👍 1👎

ugly high schooler kid

"Heyyy instagram! today My teacher was like 'do ur work' and i was like lmao lol omg hail nah and then I made my ex bf mad at me by shoving him to the ground. omg thats sooooo funny. that's my instagram post for the day, im so popular now so byyyy!

Sheesh, look at that ugly high schooler kid, she must be a jerk.

by xXanonymousleoXx June 27, 2022