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uncalled for

Not necessary, not required, not wanted.

Stand up comediant: "LOOK! THERE'S A NIGGA!"
Guy in the crowd: "That was uncalled for!"

by Flowmo November 27, 2006

325👍 77👎

uncalled for

Inapproriate, unsuitable, or just plain wrong for a situation.

*All blacks when AGAIN! Team and crowd cheers*
Team member A: Fucking awesome!
*Team member B slaps team member A on ass*
Team member A: That was just uncalled for mate.

by Ja Jackson July 22, 2005

100👍 25👎

uncalled four

the collective name for boba, em, cloud and asterlo, they sometimes do podcasts and regularly stream together

person 1: did you watch the 4/4 uncalled four stream last night
person 2: yes

by elixiremfan101 July 4, 2021