When you are unable to be found on the Internet despite certain amounts of your information being public. For example, your past addresses or even name.
Known Undoxable Cyber Warlords: Euan, Ciaran, Thames, Rig, Grasss, c1.
Euan: Who here has undoxable soap?
Everyone: What?
Euan: Exactly
4👍 1👎
Someone who cant be doxed ( doxumented)
Fine example is everyone who is down with 666
Whos undoxable
Neeko da gawd n sa7an
3👍 1👎
When you are unable to be found on the Internet despite certain amounts of your information being public. For example, your past addresses or even name.
Known Undoxable Cyber Warlords: Insational Asswhoopin BluexSheep Missing Deciple
Everyone: Hey Insational wyd
Insational: Just rubbing myself w some undoxable soap to remain undoxable
Everyone: oh can i have some
Soap used daily to make sure you remain undoxable (Covers your tracks and become undoxable)
I use undoxable soap everyday to remain undoxable
The opposite of doxing. Showing a name/address and proving that said name/address doesn't exist.
That address where the ballot was not there. It got undoxed!