The tears wept by a unicorn, an elusive item that is hard to come by. Once a unicorn sheds a tear, it dies within the hour. Making Unicorn Tears a rare/expensive item to posses.
A car like that, is about as expensive has unicorn tears.
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A magical potion that does absolutely nothing, but is sought after nonetheless by suckers who never figured out that the Easter Bunny isn't real.
Step right up folks, we have here some vials of Unicorn Tears for the low, low price of $145. They are guaranteed to cure absolutely everything that could possibly ail you, just ask my associate, a former leper amputee who was saved by their magic. Get 'em quick, because we'll be leaving town in a hurry at about 3AM tomorrow morning.
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Framboise Lambic. As described by the ever-lovely Joanna Newsom.
'My favourite drink would be frmboise lambic, because it tastes like unicorn tears.
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Tears of a unicorn. The magical healing powers of Unicorn tears can be seen a something exclusive and unique. Unicorn tears processed in skincare or makeup wil make you look younger, make you sparkle and make you look beautiful. If you drink Unicorn tears your health wil be better but a drinker of unicorn tears can be seen as someone cruel like if the unicorn was hurt to make it cry and you drink it's tears because you're so mean.
-Oh she's such a bitch she drinks Unicorn tears for breakfast.
-OMG this lipstick is so shiny and beautiful it contains Unicorn tears.
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A name for male Ejaculate. Cum or Jizz.
I shot my unicorn tears in Courtney's eye last night.
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The most sincere tears of all.
Guy: Baby, the airport's closed and I can't make it home for Christmas!
Girl: Are you serious?! Baby unicorn tears!
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