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University of Phoenix

The McDonalds of education.

I got drunk right before the SAT, so I had to attend the University of Phoenix.

by gmwdim March 19, 2013

166👍 13👎

University of Phoenix

That school you know from spam email. Another diploma mill like Walden University or Trinity Southern University that US News and World Report thinks are below even a ttt.

Their school consists of canned classes and shares most of the content with the other online schools. There is no original thought, their reputation is that of junk mail and no one that you have ever heard of has graduated from there.

Let's check me email today... ...penis enlargement... ...refinance my mortgage.... university of phoenix wants me to attend.. ..some chick named Susan wants to get it on with me... ..same junk mail, different day.

by Google Rank Me June 11, 2009

510👍 96👎

University of Phoenix

A business disguised as a school that uses spam as a means of luring in new unsuspecting customers. This diploma mill uses many sneaky advertising tactics, such as coming up as the first result in google search when typing in "university of", TV ads featuring sensationalized stories and fast-paced music, and a YouTube channel that features their "success stories" and that blocks any user that posts anything remotely critical of the school in their videos' comment sections. According to several accounts on the internet, most classes at UoP consist of nothing remotely useful. If one is able to get a job after graduating from here and pay off the $200,000 they owe in loans, they are truly lucky.

Rob didn't want to go to community college so he enrolled at University of Phoenix and found himself shelling out $50k a year to learn absolutely nothing.

by ConservatismSucks December 23, 2009

307👍 167👎