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Very rare name. Females with the name of Unnam or called Unnam live intense lives, are always on the search for meaning / wisdom, and are constantly changing. The latter is because they are influenced and inspired by their surroundings. They are puzzling with multiple traits - capricious, impulsive, outrageous, disordered, artistic, calm, intelligent, sweet. They are usually beautiful but not always aware of this or their effect on others.

"I hope that Unnam doesn't know the extent of her power."

by msol April 30, 2012

Unnamed Fanbase

The dudes who follow Jarvis Johnson, Really Good Upcoming YouTuber, Should Blow up at some point

Ayyy, Unnamed Fanbase am I right

by L_for_Lone March 26, 2019

Unnamed 0

A GD (Geometry Dash) online level usually created by Player.

- Hey dude have u played the star rated 10, XL, featured, epic level "Unnamed 0" by Player? It's amazing!
- Nope
- Then u don't exist men

by IDK what pseudonym to use January 11, 2021


When five or more scrubs (see nub) get together and attempt to accomplish certain tasks together.

gg. idle and perform these scrubs channel if you want buttsex: #unnamed

by Seckzi January 5, 2004

1👍 16👎

the Unnamed Fandom

The Unnamed or the Unnamed Fandom is the way fans of the duo Mile Phakphum and Apo Nattawin call themselves . In the Thai series KinnPorsche that shot to fame from April to July 2022 Mile plays Kinn and Apo plays Porsche.
Separately Mile's fans are the Greeny Roses and Apo's are Colleagues ( Apo's Colleagues), so an alternative name for the ship fandom is GreenyColleagues.

The Unnamed Fandom will either start their tweets with a line of green and yellow hearts, or with cherries and croissant emojis.

by Ulissey January 16, 2023