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up for grabs

1. avalible to anyone

2. in total chaos

The last reserveable copy of the new game is up for grabs.

by Light Joker October 25, 2006

68πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

up for grabs

when snathez something of someone

boy:nice mp3
boy:show me
boy:up for grabs

by zeeshan tahir May 1, 2006

5πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

up for grab sluts

any girl in a club or bar, or any girl in general that looks as though they are somewhat intoxicated and they are wearing a sluts uniform.

"hey alex who are those chicks over there"? "There just some up for grab sluts"!

by gpchris93 February 10, 2008

32πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

National fuck up the person who grabbed ya ass day

August 13 is the day you fuck up the person who grabbed ya ass.

My ass got grabbed 3 times today, tomorrow is the day i’m gonna fuck those 3 people up, β€œNational fuck up the person who grabbed ya ass dayβ€œ

by R@NDUMDUD3 August 12, 2019