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upper tank

When you go into a resturants or public places bathroom and have to shit and so you go in the toilet tank and when people go in their they'll be wondering about the small and never be able to find it.

Herget and Zach went into Zaxby's, Herget powerbombed the bathroom while Zach upper tanked it. Man what a mess.

by Ewan February 1, 2004

15👍 8👎

Upper Tank Terrorist

Someone who shits in the upper tank of a toliet then leaves. Then some unsuspecting fucker comes and takes a piss or shit and then flushes it,, only to find brown water coming down.

Since that bitch wouldnt put out, i said i had to leave her house for business. I then ask to use the toliet, there i Upper Decked her toliet and then left. Bin Laden has nothing on this Upper Tank terrorist

by jwka July 31, 2009

20👍 4👎