Source Code

uppity negro

Main Entry: up·pi·ty ne·gro
Pronunciation: 'up + -ity 'nE-(")grO
Function: proper noun
: a fearless black person who by social definition is "not in their place”
:a Black person who is committed to reversing the crimes of self-refusal, self-denial, and self-hatred that are endemic to the Black community and detrimental to the Black psyche

Nelson Mandela, Zora Neal Hurston, and Frederick Douglas are some examples of the uppity negro.

by T. Gaston December 6, 2006

300👍 207👎

uppity negro

negro who is not hood and goes to meetings and wears a tie and does other things that uppidty white people do also making him an uppity negro.

melissa's uppity negro dad bought chinese food and we ate it and spilt it on the floor just now

by Travis Simpson April 23, 2006

117👍 219👎

Uppity Negroes

The real Uppity Negroes are Black people who serve in official or unofficial leadership roles that supposedly serve the Black community or cast themselves as Black leaders, yet act like they are better than other Black persons who they perceive lie beneath their personal elite status.

Uppity Negroes, for example, are NAACP officials, or other advocates for the Black Community who thumb their noses up in an uppity manner or fail to speak to "common" Black persons because they erroneously think that those persons somehow fall beneath their elite status.

by Bussta B March 8, 2010

94👍 88👎