The greatest insult of all time. Saying these words can actually destroy the very fabric of existence itself, if used in a roast battle properly. Luckily, this will likely not happen, as anyone who uses them in a roast battle can’t even finish the words before being decintegrated as they couldn’t comprehend the sheer power of this insult. The other person being roasted though is decintegrated too. In fact, everyone within 69 kilometers of this saying is decintegrated. As you can tell, it is the spawn of “Ur mum” and “Ur gai”. It has many siblings, such as “Ur dad lesbian”, but none come close to the sheer unfathomable power of these words.
“Ur retard”
“Yeah, well ur mum gai- AAADAAASDFGSHSHEHD
34👍 2👎
Ur mum gai xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
20👍 6👎
Probably one of the most hurtful insults that can cross your tongue. Used only in extreme circumstances to completely obliterate the other person.
Person 1: “I just stole your memes.”
Person 2: “well ur mum gay.”
Person 1: *dies*
540👍 28👎
The worst possible insilt any human can take in. If you say this your opponent will literally implode from embarrassment.
4th grader A : Ur momma so fat shes fat
4th grader B : Ur mum gay
4th Grader A: *dies*
100👍 13👎
"ur mum gay" is a meme used by non-normies. while they unironically dab, you can laugh to yourself bc their mum gay
P.S. the correct response to this type of situation is "no u." the person who said ur mum gay with be banished to die in a small hole 5ever.
Person 1: "ur mum gay lol"
Person 2: "no u"
62👍 12👎
The most hurtful thing u could say to a human
Nigga 1:Bro lemme hit ur juul
Nigga 2:uR MUm gAY
Nigga 1:😳😢
29👍 7👎
Person 1:"I don't like you!"
Person 2:"well ur mum gay."
52👍 18👎