Source Code

Urban Ad

A dumb sjw ad that says "make love not walls, that won't leave you alone. It is obviously made by a company which doesn't want to be deemed as racist or sexist by some fat, short colored hair, feminazi, college lesbians, or by some skinny guys that attack free speech, cover their face like a coward and throws bombs at people and burns the American flag but calls people against them Nazis while they are acting like a Nazi. They claim to be communist while communism is far more worse then national socialism.

" I'm trying to find something funny on urban dictionary but there is a urban ad that is fu*king ruining it"

"I wish those nasty anti Americans would stop putting out a urban ad with their dumb anti American ideology and go live in a different county if they hate the U.S. so bad"

by BjΓΆrn the "NAZI" May 17, 2017

Urban Ad Rage

The annoying feeling obtained from seeing too many of those odd advertisements that you get while wasting time exploring Urban Dictionary. Such ads often seem confusing at first but most always tun out to be about a combination of sex and something else that's considered moderately cool or interesting by the general public in that they can really be created using this formula:

somewhat appealing topic + common sexual word or phrase + "click here/now" or some sort of special offer= advertisement

Too much exposure may lead to turning off your web browser or computer without warning, and possibly may even lead to the damage or destruction of said computer. rare cases may lead to actually clicking on the ad.

Possible Advertisements:

"Alien Abduction Orgy! Click here!"

"300 Spartans Sex! First month free!"

"Machine Gun Girls Striptease! Click Now!"

"Millionaire women want to have sex with YOU! First date free!"

"One click for a Roman Orgy! Click Now!"* (see below)

"Horny Wood Elves! Click Here!"

"Get Na'vi babes knocked up! Click Now!"

After seeing all of those ads on Urban,

You: "FUUUUUCKKKK THISSSSSS." *breaks computer over knee*


(probably not) You: "Fuck it. I can't take it anymore." *clicks ad*

Both are forms of Urban Ad Rage.

*turns out this actually was put up on the site, but it still fits the formula

by Oodles and oodles of noodles! January 6, 2012

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urban dictionary ads

VERY bad or intrusive ads.
Usually lists like
1. am i pregnant test
2. senior dating site
3. dating site free
4. other shit idk but probably porn
another type is clickbait ads
"you cant believe why i put this in my toilet"
and then it tells u to buy some shit
the other one is porn-like ads
these mix with clickbait ads as they are not porn, just viruses probably.

gaah the urban dictionary ads are crap

by Preinstallable September 23, 2020

urban dictionary ads

the girls on these ads are so hott

nice tits and ass on these urban dictionary ads

by rich78 November 10, 2010

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Urban Dictionary ad hominem

When one posts a definition that may be offensive to a specific audience based on nationality, race, gender etc., and then all the posting individual's definitions receive the same amount of dislikes.

Idiots who do Urban Dictionary ad hominem often times do not have sufficient imagination, vocabulary, or sense of humor to post a response.

After posting the definition belgian shower, my other definitions immediately received the same amount of dislikes. Should have known them Belgians would do Urban Dictionary ad hominem.

by dah Bodawg January 20, 2011

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Urban Dictionary Mug Ads

The Urban Dictonary Mug Ads are ads that are placed under a definition made by a creator. These ads are always ignored because no one gives a fuck. They over-priced peaces of shit, and the ad will say some dumb ass line, like "Give a Depression mug to your grandma Lucie"

Give a Urban Dictionary Mug Ads
Mug to your brother-in-law Mohamed

by Yoshi Stamp3d3 May 21, 2019

Urban Dictionary Personal Ads

The postings on Urban Dictionary where obviously teenagers write love letters about how beautiful someone is OR hate letters about how awful someone is, rather than tell that person themselves......really annoying like wikipedia. Try it! Type ANY first name in the search engine and see all the retarded postings. Usually alot of bad grammar and misspellings.

Urban Dictionary Personal Ads

search engine for "SARAH": She isdef the most beatiful and speciale girl in the world i can talk to her for hours and i would love her to pull anal beads out my ass one by one.

search engine for "BRIAN": Is a cheeting asshole that haz bad acnie and gave me ghonnar..., gonne..., gonori..., the clap

by sancho171 June 30, 2011