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urban dictionary definition reviewers

probably the horniest people alive after reading all these sex definitions

guy 1: who do you think is the horniest person on earth?

guy 2: probably the urban dictionary definition reviewers, seeing as most of the definitions are about sex

by Hehe I cheated June 14, 2021

Urban dictionary definition reviews

a lonely group of fat single men who spend their time picking their noses and eating it, can usually be found trawling through the internet to find the most boring definitions to publish. the reviewer is usually very successful at making urban dictionary more boring than most other dictionaries, such as 'Colin's dictionary' which is a much more exciting and humorous read.

guy one: "i bumped into one of those urban dictionary reviewers today, smelled like shit"
girl one: "hey my granddad is an urban dictionary reviewer!"
guy one:"well he can fuck off then, nose picking , shitty bag of wank gravy" urban dictionary definition reviews

by BigBlueSquid November 24, 2016

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