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urusai yamaguchi

Urusai Yamaguchi means "I love you Yamaguchi" in Tsukishima language.

Tsukishima is hella sus for Yamaguchi and made this phrase up himself. Just so Yamaguchi doesn't know.

Tsukishima: Urusai Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi: Gomen Tsukki!

by Tsukishima 😩 February 23, 2021

18👍 2👎

urusai Yamaguchi

This is how tsukishima kei from haikyuu tells his best friend to shut up, nothing more and nothing less. Please.

Tsukishima mad

Yamaguchi saying something

"urusai Yamaguchi "-Tsukishima

"Gomen tsukki!"-Yamaguchi

by Keisdinoplushie._ October 18, 2021