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A classic hypixel game that u can be vampire or human.
As a vampire: fuck all the humans into vampire then u won!!
As a human: fucking get away from trash minecrafter vampire and survive till u won!!!!
‘Fuck this luck! When can I be a vampire!!???’ ‘Omfg!!! Fucking diamond armoured human!!111!1!!1!!’ are common in vampireZ.

A: omfg!! My fucking luck is too god!!!! I FINALLY became a vampire in vampireZ!!1!1!1!!1
B: lol I’m fucking in diamond armour.
B have been killed by A and became a vampire.
A: ezpz!!!!!

by His mom is too gay for me February 15, 2019


An uruguyian Fraud called Puis Vampirez. Known for statpadding vs Relegation fodder and vanishing in important UCL KO games. Also known for biting three players and being a racist. The only way to scare the ugly creature is to turn on the UCL anthem.

Puis Vampirez ghosted again in an important UCL KO game

by Vampirez_finished August 8, 2022