1. The dopest human to ever live.
2. Something that’s not harmful to consume, but will definitely blow your mind and get you fucked up.
Check out @dawgarchive ‘s music, his lyrics will get you mind fucked, that’s vegan junks
John: I clicked a link on dawgarchive’s ig page, guess what?
Doe: You had some vegan junks
John: wtf! How do you know this?
Doe: c’mon man, Vegan Junks has been my fav since day back
1. Random dude doing stuff
2. Creative fothermucker with a dirty mind and a old soul in a black bag of bones. He makes music, graffiti, fashion design, rides skateboarder too.
Person 1: Do you know who the coolest human on earth is?
Person 2: Vegan Junks, that’s fax btw
Person 1: Oh fuck, that Nigga Vegan Junks is a fucking god in human body
Person 2: He’s awesome 👏🏾