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A party with lots of drinking and little partying

Anyone got a ven this weekend?

by Fattlasss July 1, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is Gorgeous, heart full of equity, and independent.

I don't call Ven a girl because there are an infinite number of "girls" as such, but Ven is unique. I prefer the phrase fair lady, and if I found one that was more noble, I would be less ashamed of our restrictive vocabulary so poorly suited to superlatives

by Littleyellowduck November 22, 2021


Dutch boy name or short for Venus. Usually adventurous, independent, misterious and badass. Very attractive people too have this name.

"Did you see Ven at the party last nighy? She looked hot af."
"Girl, I have like the biggest crush on Ven but he's so misterious it's so hard to kniw if he likes me too."

by vr. November 17, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Name of one of the most hated girls in the gaming community, due to her association with whales. Makes all the girls rage by just seeing her name. If you want to start the salt, just say Ven.

#1 topic that always comes up.
Sexiest laugh.

Can't type for shit.

Synonym: HBIC, Nose.

This discord is shit thanks to Ven being admin.
Ven The Whale Rider

by WallasSaltMine June 16, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most chill guy in the entire universe

Ven is pretty amazing

by Windows Ben December 19, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A gorgeous, heart full of equity, and independent woman.

I don't call Ven a girl because there are an infinite number of "girls" as such, but Ven is unique. I prefer the phrase fair lady, and if I found one that was more noble, I would be less ashamed of our restrictive vocabulary so poorly suited to superlatives

by Littleyellowduck November 23, 2021


the hottest bitch around
ungodly sarcastic

see that woman over there she's definitely a ven

by dumpsterdiver69 November 22, 2022