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When you are speaking disrespectful to somebody

Person 1: yo coochie looks like you can swipe bricks between it

Person 2: I know your not vexing me up right now

by Acrzxt February 14, 2023

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

no vex

noun phrase

Meaning "take no offense" or "I mean no ill will towards you." Used to lessen seemingly harsh statements into a more positively-connotative context.

"No vex bro, but it seems like you are gaining a lot of weight recently."

"I did not think you would end up with a girl that hot, no vex."

by chrountz October 29, 2019

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž



That had me vexed bro.

by Rar_ January 5, 2019

37πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Vex is Jamaican slang (patois) for to angry, to annoy.

Patois: John vex because him get lock out
English: John is upset because he got locked out

by IvyCruz April 21, 2021

34πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To be angered at somebody or something

He was so vexxed at Kyle

by Relk March 30, 2005

88πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


pissed off, anoyyed etc

im fucking vexed

by steve November 5, 2003

299πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

the vex

The Vex are an annoying race of time-traveling cybernetic War-Machines.

During the collapse, The Vex managed to turn Mercury into a machine in a matter of days.

Damn The Vex won't stop coming through that gate!

by γ€ŒCharles_James」 August 9, 2019