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A person whose main source of knowledge, be it scientific, historic etc., comes from TV, video games and Movies.

A vidiot is one who seriously demonstrates the following:

Everything they know about science they learned from Star Trek, The X-Files and Fringe etc..


Everything they know about WWII for example comes from watching WWII movies.

by Taliesyn August 20, 2011

81πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A person habitually consumed in video or computer games to the point of losing contact with the world around him, often evidenced by a blank or glazed look and disheveled appearance.

He's such a vidiot he didn't even look up when the phone rang.

by Sweeby December 22, 2005

97πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A word thought to describe someone who obsesses over videogames but was actually a term used earlier by Ken Nordine, the spoken-word story-telling Jazz musician in his song "The Vidiot" to describe someone who obsesses over television. This term was used before it was applied to games but has now become most popularly associated with them.

Person1 (to Person2): How many hours do you spend a day watching television?"

Person2 (to Person1): Oh... I don't know... about 18...

Person1 (to Person2): You're a total vidiot, man!

by Jon Ingram December 12, 2005

35πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Vidiot (vΔ­d’ Δ“-Ι™t) n. a person who is preoccupied with creating videos of people or animals in the act of performing in a below-average intelligent manner; the action(s) are typically so low on the intellectual scale that, when viewing, it evokes a response of laughter

While this definition is complete and explains what a vidiot is, it is important to point out that vidiots may and can be individuals with various degrees of intelligence and educational levels, and they are people who come from any social and economical background in life. Even though the vidiot may be the subject of the video and may appear to be stupid, he or she may, in fact, be highly intelligent and educated and may not be an idiot in real life.

This type of humor as a form of entertainment became formal towards the end of the nineteenth century when, in 1895 to 1900, the term slapstick first made its way into the World English Dictionary.

Clowning, including the form used as a court jester bears record in history as early as 2500 B.C. during Egypt’s Fifth Dynasty in the court of Pharaoh Dadkeri-Assi.

Today, cell phones that make it easy for anyone to take home videos at any given moment…

The successful vidiot finds, discovers, or creates new situations or old situations with a twist or a different outcome. People like surprises and, when a video takes them in a different direction than what they expected, they receive entertainment, a commodity they can never trade short.

You are a vidiot!

That vidiot is hilarious.

I am such a vidiot!

by King of the Vidiots March 10, 2011

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Anyone so addicted to anything on a video screen that they can't work b/c it takes time away from video

Since the 50's, an increasing portion of the population have become vidiots

by Jose Sinclair August 27, 2008

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A vidiot - gotten from visual idiot - is a person who believes anything he sees without critically analyzing or rationalizing what he sees.

Vidiotic adj.

1. Kingsley Akpan is not a vidiot - he knows the supposed pool of water on the highway is just a mirage

2. He's such a vidiot - he actually believed that lead actor broke the rock with his fist in real life.

idiot fool

by KayceeMark February 15, 2015

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A youtube video poster, who posts stupid or annoying videos.

So you're on youtube searching some of your favorite vids. Suddenly you see a new one that you haven't seen before. You que it up.....and theres some Vidiot actin a fool.

by Truevil July 31, 2009

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