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One who sings without rest... Who relates all things to music, and hates those who call themselves "singers," One who makes up harmonies to songs on the radio that no one else can sing, and at parties, drinks only a specific amount from their drink in order to achieve a certain pitch when one blows across the top (generally tuning to others in attendance.) And finally, one who doesnt need a mic!

That singer could never be a vocalist!

by vocalistdiva April 27, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


The voice in a band. As long as they are still providing vocals for a band it doesnt matter how well they are or how bad they suck they are still considered as such, as long as they haven't been kicked out. Vocalists tend to steal the spotlight from other important members of the band such as the drummer or bassist. Most people usually pay more attention to the vocalist and guitar and disreguard the drummer and bassist even though without them, that band you love so much would sound like shit.

dude 1: Goddamn this guy cant sing/scream for shit!
dude 2: Can you believe he's considered a vocalist?
dude 2: ... Least the drums and bass are good!

by background music August 25, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A Singer
2. The person who is on the receiving end of tortures employed by vocal coaches. Often, singers are required to sing laying on their backs while being jabbed in the diaphragm with large pieces of metal or are punched ruthlessly in the gut when a forceful tone is desired.
3. Sopranos think they are the greatest gift to mankind...little do they know, the alto part is really where it's at.

i.e. Hey, Let's find a vocalist to torture, but please...not a soprano, they are so bitchy.

by TheVocalCoach October 26, 2010

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hellistic vocalist

A scary ass, made up type of noise-music first appearing on the "X Factor" by a crazy chick that roared and shrieked.

Ariel: "I'm a hellistic vocalist. You're stupid!"

by TruthTells December 21, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nationโ€™s Vocalist

Kim Jongdae, better known as Chen of EXO. Stable vocals, high notes, falsetto, emotion, and much more. Incredibly wide ranged.

Person 1: Hey take a look at this chen performance!
Person 2: nationโ€™s vocalist indeed!

by Nationvocalist October 14, 2020

nations vocalist

Nations Nation's Vocalist is the one and only Kim Seokjin aka JIN from the globally famous boygroup BTS (Bangtan Boys). He has a wide vocal range, can belt notes with such ease it makes you think if he is a music student. He is also known as Mariah Carey's son.

Did you listen to our Nations Vocalist? He ate CDs for breakfast again!

by Llamp September 7, 2019

43๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Focused Vocalist

Someone who volunteers to sing when surrounded by hot friends (usually when playing rockband) with the objective of getting some sort of action

Jealous Guy 1-"Damn I wish I could sing like Ciaran, he is giving out orgasms over there singing rockband songs"
Jealous Guy 2-"Yeah he seems to be quite the Focused Vocalist"
Jealous Guy 1-"He will be busy tonight"
Jealous Guy 2-"That is for sure"

by C me Rock'er June 9, 2009