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A vomjob is a blowjob that goes horribly wrong. Right after ejaculating in the givers mouth (s)he vomits the cum and everything else in her(his) stomach onto the receiver's dick.

Last winter Caitlyn and Anatole went out for a nice Indian dinner.
Afterwards, they were fooling around and Caitlyn vomited on his dick.
When we found out, Thom yelled "YOU VOMITED ON HIS DICK!?!?"
Casey then said "VOMJOB!"

by veganjello123 August 20, 2008

33👍 9👎


The act of recieving a blowjob after the person who is giving it throws up and does not clean his/her mouth. The reciever usually has no problem with this.

Gregg recieved a vomjob in the bathroom of his dorm room by the fat girl on the 5th floor. She threw up and proceeded to give him a vomjob.

by Mr. Conspiracy December 21, 2010

10👍 6👎