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(v) to be annoyed into submission by the sound of a vuvuzela.

Eli tried to bitch out of taking another shoot, but Supka trapped him in a corner and vuvuzeled the shit out of him until he gave in.

Pat stole Dan's spot in the horse shoe game by vuvuzeling him with his new iPhone app.

by Bamboozled and Vuvuzeled July 9, 2010

2👍 2👎


The head-aching result of listening to a Vuvuzela for more than five seconds.

Many people get vuvuzelized during a soccer game at the 2010 World Cup.

by smithdog10 June 28, 2010

You have just been vuvuzeled

To randomly blast a vuvuzela in someones ear.

Guy blows horn in guys ear you have just been vuvuzeled!

by Ma brother fifjk July 11, 2010

12👍 4👎