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short form for "what is up"

- wuzzup man?
- hey wuzzup!?

by Ramiro Gutierrez July 10, 2006

73👍 8👎


to ask wut is going on

Wuzzup with you?

by sam May 11, 2003

10👍 13👎


(Noun)- A Wuzzap is a group of bros, most commonly between the age of 12 and 23 and male. They will often swear incessantly, swear, and attempt dangerous stunts such as dirt biking, extreme sports, insulting our Orwellian overlord Google, and drawing oversized genitalia on pictures of their professors.

We were on our way home when a Wuzzup of bros attempted, unsuccessfully to masturbate to Carrie Fisher's corpse.

by Deez_Newts February 18, 2020