Walus E. Matorus, More widely known as Walu Mator or, Walu, is an idiotic robotic rabbit who gets angry at anyone who says minecraft is bad and anything worse. Similar to the hulk, Walu gets stronger the angrier he gets. Starting of as Walu, Major amounts of anger transform into “The Walu Mator”, a shiny yellow and magical being, Insane amounts of anger transform into “Walu Monster”, which is just the walu mator but with a scary face and long claws
and with violence added to this form makes Shadow Walu and Then Titan Walu and the names are self explanatory but now i will just list the forms of Walu in order:
1. Walu (No anger)
2. The Walu Mator (Major anger)
3. Walu Monster (insane anger)
4. Shadow Walu (Added Violence)
5. Titan Walu (Brutal Violence)
6. Summoner Walu (An undead form)
7. Zombie Walu
8. Skeletal Walu (A malicious undead form)
9. Assasin Walu (A Battle-Ready form)
10. Fire Walu (Fire powered Walu)
11. Ghost Walu (Dead Walu)
12. A.W.M.A. Walu (Giant robot form)
13. Skeleton Walu (Ghostly version of Walu with supernatural and near god-like powers.)
Walu Mator called me a poopyhead