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a Polish last name representing someone who*totally isn't lame* and is very awkward in group chats and is very and *totally rad* and obviously has amazing friends

Oh my god.. that is totally a Wanat person. Clearly.. that is part of the *famous* Wanat family.

by SoMuchSlaying May 2, 2016


A Polish last name of SILLY KIDS. They’re weeaboos and emos (secretly.) They love crawling around on the ceiling, but hate hugs.

Man dudes, Nutty is such a Wanat

by necromemecer July 4, 2019

Mrs wanat

Mrs.wanat this is sabrina why are you soo mean to me

Mrs.wanat: sabrina you have a big head

Me: AWW you do too Mrs wanat

by jsbdj December 5, 2021