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Watching Paint Dry

Internet slang for staring at your download progress bar or watching download speeds fluctuate.

Man sits there slumped over staring at a computer screen watching each file segment's progress on utorrent hoping somehow his DVD rip of the Dark Knight from aXXo will download faster because he's willing it to happen.

Friend walks in and asks. "looking at porn??"

Man replies "no, just watching paint dry"

Friend says "really should be looking at porn."

by LashedOut2k March 26, 2009

38👍 9👎

watching paint dry

In basketball, the slowness of a defender near the basket, getting beat by a fast-moving player who scores. The paint is the center lane from the foul line to the basket.

Number 27 was watching paint dry on that drive to the hoop.

by yes juanito yes March 17, 2015

25👍 7👎

Watching paint dry

Used to describe Manchester United.

I didn’t do much today, i was watching paint dry.

by Kopthis October 3, 2019

1👍 1👎

like watching paint dry

It is very boring

It is like watching paint dry, it was so boring

by VitorCarmona January 11, 2018