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water drop

a water drop is a fricken water drop

i dropped dead like a water drop

by water drop December 27, 2017

8👍 3👎

water drop

when you do a lot of coke, so you snort water to get it out

dude i have been hittin the slopes all day, i needa water drop real quick !!

i water dropped last night, so this morning i feel sNoRTy frEsH ;)!

by hubert the frog November 24, 2018

1👍 3👎

Mexican Water Drops

Pure liquid, burning, explosive diarrhea.

Induced from poor dietary choices, booze benders or actually consuming Mexican tap water while on vacation in Cancun.

How was your vacation to Mexico? Great until the Mexican water drops hit. I spent half the week on the shitter.

Partying till 2 am and late night Taco Bell is guaranteed Mexican water drops.

by Eaton Holgoode February 14, 2018

4👍 1👎