We're all about taking responsibility... But only until it's time to blame weak men for the state of society. Weak men 'blame excuses' and 'Strong men' blame 'Weak men.' Lead me better fuck-face! What are you doing up there? Why aren't you leading us to the promised land?
Hym "So... Let me get this straight... It's my job or role... To get strong... So I can do the thing... That the current strong men are SUPPOSED to be doing... But are either NOT DOING or FAILING to do... Because the strong version of me will, I don't know, lead better than the current strong version of YOU? I'm supposed to 'learn a skill' and clean your shit clogged toilets instead of complaining about the state of society... While YOU complain about the state of society... For money... And weak men are to blame for the state of society? Perfect. That's deliberate. I take full credit. I'm glad I could be directly responsible for the suffering of others. Enjoy. Enjoy the suffering. I know I will. I'll be playing Mortal Kombat."
"We don't need weak men" ~ Says the farmer who is basically a retard
Hym "And we're not going to need farmers once the robotics catches up with the AI I literally created. So, the 'strong men' have been rendered obsolete by the weak men. You are what you are now. Retarded pretenders mashing your genitals together and nothing more."