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weak point

Some thing you hit for massive damage.

So here's this giant enemy crab, and you attack it's weak point for massive damage.

by GuyQuest September 14, 2006

69👍 14👎

attack its weak point for massive damage

A phrase said at E3 by a Sony rep, while playing one of the new "exciting and innovative" sony games.

It is now an infamous phrase used among sony haters.

"such innovative play"

"you can attack its weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE"

by You want to know who wrote this that badly? June 4, 2006

320👍 45👎

weak sauce brownie points

Commonly used word by Montclair, New Jersey teenagers, usually those who think that they're cool enough to create a new slang term.

If you live in Montclair and think you're really cool you will use this word for no reason when in reality no one really knows what it means.

"Yo son, you're buggin'"
"Trillz. Weak sauce brownie points."

by Weaksaucebrowniepoints July 12, 2009

33👍 9👎