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Weird guy

A crazy mother fucker that doesn't like cool shit

Bob is a weird guy he doesn't like his dick sucked

by Mr💯 June 20, 2017

16👍 10👎

weird guy... ;)

The kind of weird motherfucker that is so odd it makes you want to kiss them and fall in love and live together happily forever. It's likely that even thinking about your "weird guy ;)" makes you blush and kick your legs and maybe squeal like a fag

oh yeah he's such a.... weird guy... ;) its kinda attractive....

by whyamiattractedtoweirdguys February 28, 2022

1👍 3👎

Weird Guy

Nour's future boyfriend

Weird guy is weird

by LMAOIMSUPERCOOOl October 23, 2019

1👍 9👎

White guy weird

When you are fixing something with tools, such as a car, or household project, and you work on it well past when it's either completely broken or completely fixed, and get mad if anyone tries to help you

"Bruh, why the fuck don't we have a front door? You got fuckin white guy weird again didn't you? Fuck, man."

Not to be confused with white boy weird

by benjaminblanco July 3, 2021

1👍 5👎

Weird Guy

Nour's future boyfriend

Look weird guy is playing basketball!

by LMAOIMSUPERCOOOl October 30, 2019