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1) A racist remark towards a Jew
2) A tight person

1) Hahahaha, you're wearing a dress, fucking wej

2) Wej cuts his hair short to save money on shampoo. I bet he uses both sides of the toilet paper as well.

by RoseRAWR June 15, 2009

65πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


a jew standing backwards

wow look at that wej infront of us

by Fuck The Pussy Bitch September 20, 2008

28πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


When ever your friend says you use Jew too much and to use something new.

When you dont like jews >;)

Also this is a word for you to use against your friend when he says ¨weJ isnt a word¨

God damn it, you bloody weJ.

by OG_Hilter_Blood_OwO May 15, 2019


A. A person who is extremely selfish and loves money.

B.An asshole, dumbass, retard, prick, or in other words a wej.

A.Trick: Fanny, Buy me DoD!
Fanny: Oy! No, buy it yourself.
Trick:You wej...

Gunther:Any ladies wanna touch my tra la la?
Natalie: Fuck off Wej.

by The Super Nicolai Bros. October 4, 2008

17πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Relating to a group of young jewish people

That place is going to be full of wej tonight

by Daniel August 2, 2004

18πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


'Wej' or 'weJ' is a common word used by people like David Stanciu or Jason Walsh which has the purpose of ruffling the itty bitty tiny untencil sized feathers of Zachawy Gwazer to get him 'cranked up' or cranky. Wej is a secret term developed in 48BC in the secret base of julius ceaser located in Tilted Towers, Africa during the War of 48 BC to bully "fat ginger jewish boys" (Ceaser, Temple of LaquandaleDingle). The main people targeted with the word Wej are people like Zach Glazer, Zachary Glazer, Jack Jlazer, Zack Glazer, Zach Glacier, Zack Glacier, and more.

Zach: Hi guys how are you?
Anybody: Shut up Wej

by Oinkenhimer May 22, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


cheap person; implying one is jewish;

"I bought the last round, stop being such a wej and get the next one." Instead of staight out calling the guy a jewbag in public not wanting to offend strangers that might overhear.

by swiss February 15, 2005

19πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž