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When the POTUS inserts his own dick into his ass.

β€œThings are going welI, I think”

by Fignewton69 October 3, 2020

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


abbreviation for "we love you", as used on myspace/ims.

Howa you?
How was your day?

Im good yah!
Come to my Party Yah! Oh and it would be well safe if you were to bring your Frands!

Abigail and Hugo

by RubyGrace February 2, 2007


A picture taken of yourself and at least one other person (the plural form of a selfie) that is uploaded to Instagram, Facebook, or some other social media site. Instead of a self-ie it is a we-lie.

Let me take a welie

by BobbyJoey13 March 22, 2014

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Welies- noun; slang for welfare recipients.

Oh my god,yesterday the grocery store was crawling with welies hellbent on stocking up on their frozen food treats.

by Mr pickles33 April 18, 2010


Your welcome.

"Your very wely for the compliment."

Josh gave Muriel the middle finger and shouted, "your wely Muriel! Your wely!"

by Chand Rose January 10, 2022


Weli is another word to describe a great deal or horror specifically to do with dying.

I think my grandma may be a bit weli

by Yesyesyescoronafucku October 3, 2020


in a state of lost hope or suffering; dire; disastrous; of inevitable tragedy

β€œGoing weli, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!!”

by Oxford Pending Def. Offic. October 3, 2020