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well good

Short and effective phrase used by one who approves of something, it is only used when the user cannot be arsed to think of a better superlative.

'Freestylers was well good!'

by J November 16, 2004

112👍 32👎

well good

Used in place of amazing, excellent, very good and similar. Largely replaced by "quality".

Did you watch banzai last night? It's well good.

by BaconDrip May 3, 2011

19👍 12👎

well a good evening officer

when walking home from mattys house drunk and see a policeman u have to say "well a good evening officer" and he wont think that u r drunk

policeman - "hello, and wot are u two doing talking to thatlampost"

whitey and lewis - "well a good evening officer"

by poo July 30, 2004

9👍 19👎