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well then DIE!, damn you!

a statement useful for anti-vaxxers. it was stated by a S.E. Kansas physician (1930's?) related to me by my dead momma

physician prescribed a huge pill for a patient, and the exchange went as follows:

patient: "that's HORSE MEDICINE doc !!" doctor: well then DIE!, damn you!

as a child (1950's) several nasty diseases were ravaging the population, we were CONSTANTLY being vaxxed !!(pincushions?) NOBODY had ANY "freedumb" 'tears' about it! (they WERE "mandates"!!) interestingly, these diseases
(smallpox, polio, TB, e.t.c.) were 'stomped down' !! and 'emasculated'

as regards to modern times, i say to all anti-vaxxers: well then DIE!, damn you!"

i'm not letting the gub mint put a micro chip in MY body...! "well then DIE!, damn you!"

by michael foolsley March 7, 2022