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what should i type

why tf are u wonduring what to type???// ok fine try type fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff or hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

what should i type? I KNOW!! *types *ok master, lets kill da ho. BEEEEEETCH*.

by that_gay_vampire_DIO January 15, 2021

3👍 3👎

I am bored what should i type?

When someone is so bored that their brain pretty much melts and they don't know what to search so they just the computer what to search and they don't even realize that they have searched something.

an example of what I am bored what should i type? means is: The girl was so bored that her brain nearly melted and asked the computer what to search and then she realized she just searched something

by LivingDictionary101 August 22, 2018