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wheat-and-rye-bread sandwich-hand-clasp

Refers to where two mushy-hearted guys wif "different-but-delightful" personalities tenderly cradle a cute chick's ten slender digits between each of theirs at da same time --- i.e., one nice fellow affectionately interlaces his fingers palm-to-palm wif da girl's, and then da other pleasant-mannered dude lays his own hands against da backs of said sweet blinky-eyed damsel's hands and softly folds his own fingers into da mix, as well. Extra points if said two gentle-natured male admirers "split da softness" --- i.e., rather than one fellow's "hogging" both of da girl's warm velvety palms so dat da other guy only gets to touch da backs of her hands, each dude takes one palm and one back of da girl's hands when initially grasping them, so dat both guys get an equal share of "palming" and "spooning".

Employing da wheat-and-rye-bread sandwich-hand-clasp is indeed super-pleasant and satisfying, but you can get even more creative than that... why not try da "poppy-seed-bun hand-clasp" --- i.e., where ya share da girl's hands wif a freckled dude --- or a "wheat-and-Pumpernickel-bread sandwich-hand-clasp", which involves letting an African-American hunk share a little squeezy fingers-'n'-palms fun wif said smiling sweetie-pie, also.

by QuacksO February 24, 2025