esp: a white female /black (and or other) who pretends to hate black males for a racist white males acceptance or approval, sometimes even resorting to false information spreading, racial slurs, false accounts, homophobic slurs, gas-lighting, abuse or even violence to become his potential sexual mate
example1: a "white boys pick me" white female see's a black male and will suddenly yell the N-word very loudly, over and over (because she knows or assumes all white males automatically hate black males and wants his acceptance)
example2: a "white boys pick me" black female will go out of her way to insult black males ...talking down or yelling at a black male that he is "weak" (demasculation) for a "racist white males" acceptance (against her own) 'Candice Owens' justified the death of George Floyd ...using lies/misinformation for such acceptance
more accurate example e3: "white boys pick me" > black n*ggers!! blacks!! f*ggets!! monkeys!! etc -- etc ...then she looks at the white males face to see his reaction, hoping she's been chosen by a racist white males approval as a possible mate
(note: black males have done her no actual harm, but she will pretend as though they have ...false accounts, gas-lighting, false information)
(2nd note: there abuse or violence can also extend beyond "black males" and progress towards other women, the elderly or those that simply disagree or that they deem as "in there way" of being "picked" )