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white cadillac

An alcoholic beverage consisting of scotch and milk in equal parts over ice. For added flavor, try including white chocolate liqueur.

An ardent scotch fan, Byron Rodslammer downed several white cadillacs before heading off to the night's rush event.

by MoonlightBen July 11, 2005

White Trash Cadillac

a police cruiser (preferably a Crown Victoria) that was bought in a police auction.

These are a real prize if they still have the spot light and cattle guard still on them.

The holy grail of White Trash Cadillacs is one that was an undercover police car with tinted windows and a sweet paint job.

A driving game can be played by guessing from a distance whether a Crown Vic is an actual police car or a White Trash Caddy.

Yo Jimmy is that a cop car or a White Trash Cadillac?

by microland June 15, 2011

13👍 9👎

White Boy Cadillac

Usually a dirtbike or atv ridden by a white guy.

"That dude has a nice dirtbike."
"Yeah thats his White Boy Cadillac."

by Trx450<-r->ider August 25, 2009

4👍 5👎