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white sand

a street name for cocaine.

I got that white sand nigga.

by WhiteSand May 25, 2010

22👍 7👎

White sand

Another name for cocaine in my opinion.

Dwayne: What you got there?
Zac: Oh, just some white sand I'm about to snort.

by SwagMasta42069 April 11, 2018

3👍 2👎

White Sand

There are many breeds of sand, some have always been Sand and some are converted later in life.
White sands are not common, but they definitely exist. These Sands are in fact, the sandiest of all.
Common traits of the white sand are being an obese neck-beard fuck who plays WoW all day, they tend to be easily aggravated, especially when confronted about being a sand.

A sand is powerless without a sand-mate. If they cannot find a sand mate they will obtain any mate (even if they're a young crispy red headed girl who is easily impressed and looking for guidance) to convert into a sand over time. Any children the new sand mate may have from previous shenanigans will also be converted by force.
Once the Sand conversion has begun obesity will set in, facial hair, laziness, rapid hair growth, poor hygiene and general sandy appearance (like grains of sand along a beach, but still human.)
The sands breed rapidly, a pregnancy every 6 months is optimal for survival.

"What the fuck is THAT?!"

"Oh, that obese, grainy-looking creature with unkempt hair, covered in pistachio shells? A white sand."

by BeagleMonster August 21, 2013

7👍 20👎

Honey White Sand

One of the stripper names of a group of friends, formed by taking your pet's name and your street name. Other stripper names of other memebers of this group include Chocolate St. Croix, and Daphne Auralia.

What's your stripper name?
Honey White Sand.

by McKenzieShldBHottt July 12, 2005

18👍 32👎